Consumer Health Partnerships

The podcast where health care meets human care.

Our Consumer Health Partnerships Podcast is now live!

Consumer Health Partnerships
 is a podcast for healthcare stakeholders that explores the pivotal role of consumer involvement in building a healthcare system that truly serves everyone.

We share inspiring stories and practical strategies from healthcare leaders and consumers, showcasing how collaborative approaches lead to more compassionate, effective and innovative healthcare delivery.

Who should listen?
This podcast is a must-listen for digital health professionals, practice leaders and owners, clinicians, consumer or patient advocates and anyone interested in learning how to incorporate patient insights to improve the experiences and outcomes for their patients.

Check out the trailer for our new podcast below or listen to it on your favourite podcast channel. Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss a single episode!

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Consumer Health Partnerships: Episodes

Episode 1: Empowering Youth Voices in Healthcare: The Impact of Co-Design with Brianna McCoola & Jorja Campbell

In this episode of Consumer Health Partnerships, we speak with Jorja Campbell and Brianna McCoola from Queensland Health about their collaborative experience in creating a Practice Guide to Adolescent and Young Adult Care.

See Episode Details

Episode 2: Partnering for Better Health: Co-Design Strategies with Anja Christoffersen & Adrienne Young

In this episode of Consumer Health Partnerships, we speak with Anja Christoffersen, founder of Champion Health Agency, and Dr Adrienne Young, dietitian researcher at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital and Senior Research Fellow at the University of Queensland, about co-designing a co-design framework for Metro North Health in Queensland.

See Episode Details

Episode 3: The Power of Co-Design in Mental Health with Emma Hart and Clay Fletcher

In this episode of Consumer Health Partnerships, we speak with Clayton Fletcher, Consumer Carer Senior Consultant, and Emma Hart, the Director of Nursing from Child and Youth Mental Health Service at Children's Health Queensland, about the impact and importance of co-design in creating effective mental health care systems.

See Episode Details

Episode 4: Patient Voices Matter: Communication, Respect, and Partnership with Tracey Johnson, Dr. Suzanne Williams and Veronica

In this episode, we speak with Tracey Johnson (CEO of Inala Primary Care), Dr Suzanne Williams (Senior Clinician at Inala Primary Care), and Veronica (a longstanding patient of Inala Primary Care) about the importance of collaboration and communication in healthcare settings, particularly in the context of patient-clinician partnerships.

See Episode Details

Episode 5: Power of Co-Design in Healthcare: Insights from Jeremy Kerr and Anja Christoffersen

In this episode of Consumer Health Partnerships, we speak with Anja Christoffersen, founder of Champion Health Agency, and Jeremy Kerr from Queensland University of (QUT) Technology Design Lab about the importance and application of co-design in the healthcare sector.

See Episode Details

Your Podcast Host:

Shelley Thomson

Co-founder & Director, Patient Experience Agency

Shelley Thomson is a former allied health professional dedicated to transforming patient experiences. Shelley co-founded Patient Experience Agency to help primary care practices, specialists, aged care, disability providers and government agencies co-design better services by 
utilising a human-centred approach and gathering experience data and insights to improve outcomes. She is also an author, facilitator and keynote speaker, advocating for value-based, outcome-driven care.

Do you know a great guest for our new podcast?

Consumer Health Partnerships is a new podcast where healthcare meets human care. Our show is a compelling journey into the heart of human-centred reform, showcasing the power of collaboration between consumers and healthcare professionals to forge a more empathetic and effective health system in Australia. 

In each episode, we will  highlight real-world examples of how partnerships between patients and providers has lead to ground-breaking improvements in care delivery. Our conversations are more than discussions; they are narratives of change, lessons in empathy, and blueprints for action. 

If you or someone you know has worked on an exciting project in the health, aged care or disability sectors in collaboration with the patients or consumers it serves, then we would love to speak to you so please drop us a line!

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The Consumer Health Partnerships podcast is a proud member of the Talking HealthTech Podcast Network - the premier audio destination for cutting-edge insights and thought leadership in healthcare delivery, innovation, digital health, healthcare ICT, and commercialisation. Click here to learn more.

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