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The Fundamentals of Patient Journey Mapping fundamentals partnering with patients patient experience Jun 25, 2024

Patient or customer journey mapping has gained significant traction in recent years due to the healthcare industry's shift towards a more human-centred care approach, emphasising the quality of patient experiences and outcomes. But what exactly is patient journey mapping, and should you use it in...

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The Fundamentals of Patient Satisfaction, PREMs and Patient Feedback fundamentals partnering with patients patient experience Nov 16, 2023

In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, patient satisfaction stands as a critical metric that goes beyond the clinical aspects of treatment. It delves into the heart of the patient experience, encompassing factors that range from the effectiveness of medical interventions to the warmth of...

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The Fundamentals of Lived Experience fundamentals patient experience Jul 04, 2023

Practitioners in the healthcare sector are well-versed in medical knowledge, evidence-based practices and cutting-edge research. However, in recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the value of the lived experience of patients and their carers in providing more comprehensive and...

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The Five Reasons Why You Need to Move Beyond Being Patient-Centred fundamentals health reform partnering with patients patient experience Apr 17, 2023

What is being patient-centred?

For many years, healthcare has been largely focused on the concept of patient-centred care. This approach aims to put the patient at the centre of their care, tailoring treatments and services to meet their individual needs and preferences. Patient-centred care...

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The Fundamentals of Multidisciplinary Teams fundamentals health reform multidisciplinary teams value-based health care Apr 17, 2023

What are multidisciplinary teams?

Multidisciplinary healthcare teams are groups of professionals from different healthcare disciplines who work together to provide comprehensive care to patients. These teams are made up of individuals with various specialties and backgrounds, including...

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The Fundamentals of Patient-Reported Measures fundamentals measuring outcomes value-based health care Feb 22, 2023

In healthcare, the focus is often on clinical outcomes and measures such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and tumour size. These measures are important in diagnosing and monitoring medical conditions and determining the effectiveness of medical treatments. Clinical measures provide...

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The Fundamentals of Value-Based Health Care fundamentals health reform multidisciplinary teams value-based health care Feb 21, 2023

Value-based health care is a global movement that has its origins in the United States and is now being adopted by over 30 countries.  

It’s a response to decades of rising health care delivery costs, spiralling rates of chronic disease, changing community expectations and a...

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